Parsing Arbitrary Log Data for Logs Per Second and Size Datav
I recently encountered a scenario requiring me to parse some data that was not available during a proof-of-concept and in a non-standard format. There may be a multitude of tools and approaches to achieve this but the fastest I could think of at the time was by using Python.
I recently encountered a scenario requiring me to parse some data that was not available during a proof-of-concept and in a non-standard format. There may be a multitude of tools and approaches to achieve this but the fastest I could think of at the time was by using Python.
Here are the steps I took to begin processing this data.
Analyse the log source data and figure out what contents I needed to achieve my objective.
The file structure made this easy as a single day was represented in the filename. Luckily my use case didn’t require localising the timezone as the data was in UTC.
My next step was to analyse the file contents to detect what and where the data I needed was.
Super simple – I only needed the data and this was right at the beginning of the file and was space-delimited:
1560053187.668 ....
There was some extra data in each file’s header describing the source and structure and was prefixed with a #
Well, that was easy, even if it wasn’t we would have found a way with the power of Python.
Let’s get started.
# I didn't know I'd need these imports when I started so don't be detered.
from datetime import datetime
from collections import Counter
from statistics import mean
import operator
# Definitely knew I needed these.
import os
import re
import csv
import sy
# I'm going to regex the filenames for the specified date so I'll compile a regex match.
file_match = re.compile('^FileName\.\@20190610.*') # Starts with FileName.@ + Date I Want + Whatever
# The data I needed was in two folders so I created an array with the paths in case I needed to re-use the code.
data_folders = ['X:/Folder1', 'X:/Folder2']
# Set the file size count to zero.
total_size = 0
# Because I want to use the data_folders variable the definable variable I setup a dict to add the folders to. I will later use this dict to perform all my operations on. I really need to learn pandas.
directories = {}
So we’ve set up everything we need to reference the data and work with what we need. We have to start iterating, matching, and all that fun stuff.
# Move through folders
for data_folder in data_folders:
# Add the folder dict to the root dict gigitty
directories[data_folder] = {}
# List folder contents
for file in os.listdir(data_folder):
# Get files matching our defined string
if file_match.match(file):
# Add the matched file' size to total size
total_size += os.path.getsize(data_folder+'/'+file)
# Open the file for reading
with open(data_folder+'/'+file) as logfile:
# Read as CSV
time_line = csv.reader(logfile, delimiter=' ')
# Set base values for iterations
second = 0
count = 0
started = 0
# Iterate through each row in file
for row in time_line:
# Create matches to match against entries to avoid weird s!*%
comment_match = re.compile('^#.*')
int_match = re.compile('^\d.*')
# Check the line against the above matches
if not comment_match.match(row[0]) and int_match.match(row[0]):
# Convert the UNIX epoch to a datetime object
second = dt.second
hour = str(dt.hour)
minute = str(dt.minute)
# second = str(dt.second)
dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(row[0]))
current_time = "{0}:{1}:{2}".format(hour, minute, str(second))
# If the second has changed reset the acount and update the current second
if second == dt.second:
count += 1
directories[data_folder][current_time] = count
second = dt.second
count = 0
# Create and empty counter dict object and then start adding the calculated data together.
second_count_results = Counter({})
for directory, times in directories.items():
second_count_results += Counter(times)
# Calculate the total size of the logs together.
total_log_size_mb = total_size * 0.000001
# Max logs per second that we encountered.
max_lps = max(second_count_results.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[1]
# Minimum logs per second that we encountered.
min_lps = min(second_count_results.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[1]
# Find the average LPS.
list_of_lps = [v for k, v in second_count_results.items()]
average_lps = mean(list_of_lps)
# Print to STDIO the data we figured out in our heads.
print('Max lps observed: ' + str(max_lps) + ' min lps observed: ' + str(min_lps))
print('Size of the date we caclulated: ' + str(total_log_size_mb))
print('Average LPS was: ' + str(average_lps))
# Print and save the results.
with open('proxy_lps_data.csv', 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
for increment in sorted(second_count_results.items()):
timestamp = str(increment[0])
count = str(increment[1])
writer.writerow([timestamp, str(count)])
print(timestamp + ': ' + str(count))
# Save the calculation metdata.
with open('proxy_metrics_data.csv', 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
writer.writerow(['size', str(total_log_size_mb)])
writer.writerow(['min_lps', str(min_lps)])
writer.writerow(['max_lps', str(max_lps)])
writer.writerow(['avg_lps', str(average_lps)])